Get the Blue Stone at the Zoo

Use the map and go to the zoo
(must have talked to the Homeless Man about the Zoo)


Talk to the Zookeeper

Notice the milk cans to the left of the Zookeeper

Look at the statue

Look at the nail polish on the base of the statue

Pick up the nail polish

Look at the soda can beside the bench on the left

Pick up the soda can

Follow the path to the left

Notice the monkey in the cage

Notice the ball in the cage

Try to take the can of peanuts from the cage

Notice the crack in the ground

Notice the hole in the ground

Follow the path back to the right

Continue following the path to the right

Just for fun, look at the crocodile

Look at the blue stone under the crocodile

Just for fun, read the sign on the crocodile enclosure

Notice the elephant

Just for fun, read the sign on the elephant enclosure

Look at the box on the ground in front of the elephant

Pick up the box

Look at the tree

Notice the empty bird's nest in the tree

Walk left and pick up the noisemaker

Try blowing the Noisemaker

Continue walking left and look at the boat

Start the boat's engine

Follow the path back to the Zookeeper

Ask the Zookeeper about the monkey
(must have been to the monkey's enclosure)

Follow the path to the left

Show the Stick or the Umbrella to the monkey
(must have asked the Zookeeper about the monkey)

Place the Hula Hoop into the crack in the ground

Step through the hula hoop
(must have shown the stick or the umbrella to the monkey)

Place the Stick in the hole in the ground

Balance the Soda Can on top of the stick

Throw the Tennis Ball at the soda can
(must have shown the stick or the umbrella to the monkey)

Pick up the can of peanuts
(the monkey must have knocked the peanuts out of the cage)

Follow the path back to the right

Continue following the path to the right

Walk right and use the Can of Peanuts with the bird's nest

Try to climb the fallen tree

Just for fun, try to throw the Box at the crocodile

Try to throw the Teddy Bear at the crocodile

Throw the Teddy Bear into the water in the enclosure

Try to climb the fallen tree

Walk left and start the boat's engine
(must have thrown the teddy into the water in the enclosure)

Walk back to the right and climb the fallen tree
(the crocodile must be focused on defending its territory)

Notice the Black Castle

Get the Blue Stone at the Bridge

This free video game walkthrough is for the Nintendo DS
Secret Files 2 : Puritas Cordis Walkthrough