Find Evidence

Walk down the stairs

Go to the sun deck

Talk to the Porter

Talk to Oskar, particularly about the bongo drums

Take some of the toothpicks on the bar

Follow the passage to the right

Enter the door

Talk to Feng Li about the ship's voyage

Continue talking to Feng Li, particularly about the cameras

Continue talking to Feng Li and ask about the camera
(must have talked to the Captain about the doctor)

Take some marzipan potatoes from the bowl on the counter

Look at the Marzipan Potatoes

Enter the restaurant

Insert the Magazine into the empty picture frame on the left

Pick up the aluminum foil from the floor

Just for fun, look at Fleming Olsen

Ask Fleming Olsen about the prize draw

Remember the Atomium from the picture above Nina's bed

Cover the Marzipan Potatoes with Aluminum Foil
(must have asked Fleming Olsen about the prize draw)

Cover the Toothpicks with Aluminum Foil
(must have asked Fleming Olsen about the prize draw)

Combine the Aluminum Potatoes with the Aluminum Toothpicks

Give the Atomium to Fleming Olsen

Look at the Lottery Ball
(must have given the Atomium to Fleming Olsen)

Walk left and leave the restaurant

Talk to Feng Li about the photo
(must have talked to Feng Li about the camera)
(must have inserted the magazine into the empty picture frame)

Use the microphone on the counter
(must have been to the sun deck when the Porter is tending bar)

Take the exit

Go to the sun deck

Give the Lottery Ball to Oskar
(must have talked to Oskar about the bongo drums)

Look at the Bongo Drums
(must have given the lottery ball to Oskar)

Talk to the Porter about the bongo drums
(must have given the lottery ball to Oskar)

Pick up the MP3 Player from the bar
(must have given the lottery ball to Oskar)
(must have then talked to the Porter about the bongo drums)

Follow the passage to the right

Enter the door

Use the MP3 Player with the microphone

Talk to Feng Li about the photo
(must have talked to Feng Li about the camera)
(must have inserted the magazine into the empty picture frame)
(must have used the MP3 Player with the microphone)

Look at the Photo

Take the exit

Go to the upper deck

Knock on the door

Talk to the Captain about the Photo

Break into Katharina's Cabin

This free video game walkthrough is for the Nintendo DS
Secret Files 2 : Puritas Cordis Walkthrough