Explore the Construction Site

Dairy Entry
The Search Begins

Look at the Sketch


Talk to the Surveyor

Try to take the rockslide sign on the right

Follow the path to the left

Look at the information board

Use the information board

Dairy Entry
Gatineau : Founding

Dairy Entry
Gatineau : Downfall

Dairy Entry
Gatineau : Rediscovery

Try to open the flap in the corner of the information board

Notice the molehill under the information board

Notice the hook

Look at the snack stand

Read the sign on the snack stand

Just for fun, try to pick up the sign on the snack stand

Look at the bowl on the snack stand

Take a fortune cookie from the bowl

Eat the fortune cookie

Take another fortune cookie from the bowl
(must have eaten the first fortune cookie)

Eat the fortune cookie

Take another fortune cookie from the bowl
(must have eaten the first two fortune cookies)

Eat the fortune cookie

Take the last fortune cookie from the bowl
(must have eaten the first three fortune cookies)

Eat the fortune cookie

Pick up the aluminum foil in front of the snack stand

Look at the paper cup on the ground

Pick up the paper cup

Follow the path to the left

Try to take the plastic boulder on the right of the large sign

Look at the trailer

Take the mirror hanging on the trailer

Rummage through the stuff on the table in front of the trailer

Look at the Pocket Knife

Look at the Spirit Level

Notice the Power Cable

Notice the Cloth Pouch

Use the Pocket Knife with the plastic boulder

Look at the Plastic Boulder

Look at the signpost

Look at the derelict car

Check out the car

Look at the sign to the left of the car

Try to take the sign

Use the Pocket Knife with the sign

Follow the path to the left

Read Elise's Letter

Check out the statue

Look at the statue's left arm

Rescue Sam

This free video game walkthrough is for the Nintendo DS
Secret Files 2 : Puritas Cordis Walkthrough