Get Into the Temple

Examine the inscription to the right of the door

Read the inscription
(must have read Sam's translation)

Look at the honeycomb

Notice the hole to the right of the honeycomb

Place the Donut inside the hole

Look at the honeycomb

Take some of the honeycomb
(must have placed the donut inside the hole)

Look at the collected Honeycomb

Try to catch the fireflies

Look at the spider web to the right of the fireflies

Notice the tendril above the spider web

Get rid of the spider web

Look at the the Rafflesia on the left

Take the Rafflesia

Go to the temple square

Use the Rafflesia to distract the Temple Guard

Use the Tent Poles to push the rafflesia closer to the guard

Take the venus flytrap
(the Temple Guard must have moved closer to Sam)

Pick up the Rafflesia

Return to the back of the temple

Look at the rebuilt spider web

Get rid of the spider web again

Hang the Flag on the tendril

Return to the camp

Look at the beer can

Remove the slug from the beer can
(must have left the camp after placing the beer can)

Look at the Slug

Walk left and place the Rafflesia on the flat stone

Just for fun, look at the Frog

Combine the Tent Poles with the Fence

Place the Reinforced Fence in the river

Walk right and go to the jungle

Look at the spider web

Take the spider web
(must have left the area after hanging the flag)

Look at the Fireflies

Take down the flag

Return to the camp

Walk left and hang the Flag on the branch
(must have placed the reinforced fence in the river)

Look at the Fish

Walk right and go to the jungle

Take a another look at the inscription

Place the Venus Flytrap in the top niche
(the goddess, enthroned above all)

Place the Fireflies in the top left niche
(the radiant being)

Place the Peacock Feather in the top right niche
(the ever-open eye)

Place the Fish in the bottom left niche
(the mute)

Place the Slug in the bottom right niche
(the homeless)

Place the Honeycomb in the bottom niche
(the Queen's gold)

Explore the Camp

This free video game walkthrough is for the Nintendo DS
Secret Files 2 : Puritas Cordis Walkthrough