Explore the Beach

Diary Entry

Look at the suitcase

Open the suitcase

Notice the pebbles to the right of the suitcase

Look at the medical kit up the cliff on the left

Try to get the medical kit down from the cliff

Look at the signpost on the top of the hill

Look at the rake

Pick up the rake

Try to throw the Rake at the medical kit

Pick up the handbag

Try to throw the Handbag at the medical kit

Fill the Handbag with pebbles

Throw the Handbag with Pebbles at the medical kit

Notice the two Buckets

Look inside the Medical Kit

Notice the Bandages

Pick up the wheel

Look at the sea

Take one of the life vests from the crate

Look at the Life Vest

Pick up the sheet of metal

Look at the speargun

Pick up the speargun

Look at the power pole

Look at the high voltage cable to the right of the power pole

Pick up the car battery

Look at the Car Battery

Look at the barrel

Look at the firehose

Pick up the firehose

Look at the tool box

Pick up the tool box

Use the Car Battery to open the Tool Box

Look at the open Tool Box

Walk back to the left and pick up the hat stand

Pick up the briefcase

Look inside the Briefcase

Look at the Documents

Look at the Candy Bar

Get Out of the Ship

This free video game walkthrough is for the Nintendo DS
Secret Files 2 : Puritas Cordis Walkthrough