Explore the Ruins

Diary Entry
Hope in Ruins

Look at the altar

Look at the blue stone in the base of the pillar

Pull out the blue stone from the pillar

Notice the White King

Look at the buried entrance on the right

Look at the gap in the stone door on the left

Try to open the stone door

Glance at the emblem on the back wall

Shout for help through the hole above

Homeless Man

Talk to the Homeless Man about the ruins

Diary Entry
A Glimmer of Hope

Just for fun, look at the Eiffel Tower in the distance

Rummage through the compost heap

Notice the candle

Notice the stick

Go to the cemetery on the right
(must have asked the Homeless Man about the ruins)

Follow the path to the graves from the 1670s

Follow the path to the graves of the poor

Follow the path to the graves of those who died at an old age

Follow the path to the graves of women

Study the angles of the rotated letters S, A and F

Enter the ruins through the passage

Climb down into the hole

Examine the emblem

Rotate each letter S seven positions

Rotate the letter A two positions

Rotate the letter F five positions

Enter the passage on the left
(must have correctly rotated the emblem letters)

Look at the map on the wall

Examine the mosaic on the floor

Insert the White King into one of the empty fields

Climb back up the steps

Climb out the hole above

Leave through the exit on the left

Ask the Homeless Man about the mosaic
(must have inserted the white king into the mosaic)

Diary Entry
Five Stones

Get the Key

This free video game walkthrough is for the Nintendo DS
Secret Files 2 : Puritas Cordis Walkthrough