Get the Blue Stone at the Bridge

Street Cleaner

Talk to the Street Cleaner, particularly about the bridge

Look at puddle near the Street Cleaner

Rummage through the garbage heap

Look at the Five Cents

Notice the Pacifier

Try to clean the patch of dirt on the left side of the bridge

Notice the ducks in the water

Follow the path to the right

Alessandro Rossi

Talk to Alessandro Rossi

Check out the car

Try to get into the car

Look at the station clock above the car

Talk to Alessandro Rossi about the scratch
(must have checked out the car)

Enter the station

Pick up the teddy bear from the far end of the platform

Look at the fountain

Look at the ceiling directly above the fountain

Look at the bubble gum machine

Try to use the bubble gum machine

Look at the umbrella to the right of the bubble gum machine

Pick up the umbrella

Look at the switch box on the wall

Use the switch box to switch on the fountain

Look at the clockwork mechanism

Start the clock using the clockwork mechanism

Check out the window

Use the Candle with the station clock
(must have talked to the Street Cleaner about the bridge)
(must have talked to Alessandro Rossi)

Start the clock again using the clockwork mechanism
(must have used the candle with the station clock)
(must have previously used the clockwork mechanism)

Talk to Alessandro Rossi

Notice the fountain to the right

Pick up the newspaper to the right of the park bench

Read the newspaper

Walk left and pick up the hula hoop in the water

Pick up the tennis ball on the corner of the sand pit

Try to pick up the bottles of booze

Talk to the Homeless Man about everything

Walk right and talk to Alessandro Rossi about the foutain
(must have talked to the Homeless Man about the fountain)

Throw the Five Cents into the fountain
(must have talked to Alessandro Rossi about the fountain)

Retrieve the five cents from the fountain

Use the map and go to the bridge

Try to remove the blue stone from the bridge

Use the Umbrella to remove the blue stone

Look at the Black Pawn

Explore the Ruins

This free video game walkthrough is for the Nintendo DS
Secret Files 2 : Puritas Cordis Walkthrough