Cross the Abyss

Use the map and go to the ruins

Enter the ruins through the passage

Climb down into the hole

Enter the passage on the left

Examine the map on the wall

Study the locations of Bretagne, Navarre and Provence
(Bretagne is the French name for Brittany)

Examine the mosaic on the floor

Insert the White Knight into one of the empty fields

Insert the Black Castle into one of the empty fields

Insert the Black King into one of the empty fields

Insert the Black Pawn into one of the empty fields

Move the black king to the top left field

Move the white king to the bottom right field

Move the white knight to the bottom left field

Move the black castle one to the right of the white knight

Move the black pawn one above the white king

Tower Guard

Diary Entry
A Terrible Revelation

Get the Blue Stone at the Metro

This free video game walkthrough is for the Nintendo DS
Secret Files 2 : Puritas Cordis Walkthrough