Get the Blue Stone at the Jail

Use the map and go to the bridge

Blow the Noisemaker

Follow the path to the right

Pick up the candle to the right of the car

Use the Nail Polish to hide the scratch on the car

Use the map and go to the park

Throw the Five Cents into the fountain
(must have talked to Alessandro Rossi about the fountain)
(must have used the nail polish to hide the scratch on the car)

Use the map and return to the park

Retrieve the coins from the fountain

Look at the Ten Cents

Blow the Noisemaker

Use the map and go to the metro

Enter the station

Insert the Ten Cents into the bubble gum machine

Just for fun, look at the Bubble Gum

Use the map and go to the zoo

Follow the path to the right

Blow the Noisemaker
(the ducks must have flown to the park)

Follow the path back to the Zookeeper

Ask the Zookeeper for a baguette
(the ducks must have flown to the zoo)

Look at the Baguette

Dip the Baguette into the milk cans

Look at the Soggy Baguette

Use the map and go to the park

Walk left and give the Soggy Baguette to the Homeless Man
(must have talked to the Homeless Man about alcohol)

Continue talking to the Homeless Man and ask about the alcohol
(must have given the soggy baguette to the Homeless Man)

Notice the Bottle of Booze

Use the map and go to the jail

Just for fun, look at the trash can beside the desk

Just for fun, try to open the gun cabinet in the corner

Check out at the rightmost cell

Try to open the rightmost cell

Police Officer

Ask the Police Officer about the cells
(must have checked out the rightmost cell)

Answer Yes

Try to drink from the Bottle of Booze

Use the Bubble Gum with the leftmost cell
(must have checked out the rightmost cell)

Just for fun, try to open the leftmost cell

Drink from the Bottle of Booze
(must have asked the Police Officer about the cells)
(must have used the bubble gum with the leftmost cell)

Talk to the Police Officer
(must have drunk from the bottle of booze)

Look at the syringe on the desk
(the Police Officer must have taken a blood sample)

Use the Bottle of Booze with the syringe


Look at the bunks

Look at the window above

Just for fun, try to open the window

Look at the broken ball to the left of the door

Pick up the broken ball

Pick up the spoon

Notice the chair

Look at the coat hooks

Attempt to remove the blue stone using the Spoon

Ask the Prisoner on the other side of the wall about the harmonica
(must have attempted to remove the blue stone using the spoon)

Continue talking to the Prisoner about the riddle

Answer Five
(there is not five of anything in the cell)

Answer Nine
(there are nine bars in the window)

Answer Six
(there are four legs on the chair and Nina has two legs)

Remove the blue stone using the Spoon
(the Prisoner must be playing the harmonica)

If Nina doesn't get the stone before the Prisoner stops playing,
just ask the Prisoner to play the harmonic some more

Notice the Black King

Get the Blue Stone at the Zoo

This free video game walkthrough is for the Nintendo DS
Secret Files 2 : Puritas Cordis Walkthrough