Find the Location of the Key

Place the Spirit Level on the statue's left arm

Follow the path to the right

Look at the laser beam

Turn the signpost to the left three times
(must have placed the spirit level on the statue's arm)

Follow the path back to the left

Check out the statue again

Take down the spirit level

Follow the path back to the right

Place the Spirit Level on the signpost
(must have lined up the signpost with the statue's arm)

Follow the path to the right

Look at the laser beam

Chinese Man

Talk to the Chinese Man

Use the Pocket Knife with the flap on the information board

Notice the Batteries

Follow the path to the right

Talk to the Surveyor about the car
(must have checked out the car)

Use the Pocket Knife to unscrew the rockslide sign

Follow the path back to the left

Continue following the path to the left

Place the Rockslide Sign on the post beside the car

Follow the path back to the right

Continue following the path to the right

Talk to the Surveyor about the car
(must have placed the rockslide sign on the post beside the car)

Read the third fortune cookie Message
("If you ignore the warning ...")

Try to give the third Message to the Surveyor

Follow the path back to the left

Give the third Message to the Chinese Man

Follow the path to the left

Put the Plastic Boulder in the derelict car

Follow the path back to the right

Continue following the path to the right

Give the Fresh Fortune Cookie to the Surveyor

Talk to the Surveyor about the car
(must have checked out the car)
(must have placed the rockslide sign beside the car)
(must have put the plastic boulder in the derelict car)
(must have given the Surveyor the message in a fresh cookie)

Follow the path back to the left

Talk to the Chinese Man about the snack stand
(the Surveyor must have moved his car)

Follow the path to the left

Look at the spirit level

Put the Batteries in the spirit level

Follow the path back to the right

Look at the laser beam

Try to hang the Mirror on the hook

Tie the Power Cable around the Mirror

Hang the Tied-up Mirror on the hook

Try to hang the Cloth Pouch on the mirror

Fill the Cloth Pouch with dirt from the molehill

Hang the Filled Cloth Pouch on the mirror

Place the Aluminum Foil on the molehill
(must have redirected the laser beam to the molehill)

Look at the laser beam

Follow the path to the right

Explore the Construction Site

This free video game walkthrough is for the Nintendo DS
Secret Files 2 : Puritas Cordis Walkthrough